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Descriptive Summary
Information for Users
Biographical Note
Online Catalog Headings
Organization of Collection
Detailed Description of the Collection
bulk 1989-1991
Legal, 1850-1910
Literary, bulk 1989-1994
Photographs, nd
Printed, 1884-1995
Abstract: The materials of the Phoebe Pollitt Papers were acquired by Pfeiffer University from Pollitt upon the completion of her doctoral dissertation. The majority of materials were accessioned in 1996. The gifts of correspondence, literary manuscript, news items, photographs, and various printed materials are now housed in the Mary Fisher Floyd Archives.
Descriptive Summary
Pfeiffer University
Pheobe Pollitt Papers
Call Number
Mss 19983
3 archival boxes, 1.5 linear feet,
For current information on the location of these materials, please consult the Pfeiffer University Archivist.
Information for Users
Restrictions to Access
Certain restrictions as to the use or copying of the materials in this collection may apply. Please contact the University Archivist for more information on copyright.
Acquisitions Information
The materials of the Phoebe Pollitt Papers were acquired by Pfeiffer University from Pollitt upon the completion of her doctoral dissertation. The majority of materials were accessioned in 1996. The gifts of correspondence, literary manuscript, news items, photographs, and various printed materials are now housed in the Mary Fisher Floyd Archives.
The materials of the Phoebe Pollitt Papers were acquired by Pfeiffer University from Pollitt upon the completion of her doctoral dissertation. The majority of materials were accessioned in 1996.
Preferred Citation
[Identification of item], Phoebe Pollit Papers, Mary Fisher Floyd Archives, Pfeiffer University.
Copyright Notice
Certain restrictions as to the use or copying of the materials in this collection may apply. Please contact the University Archivist for more information on copyright.
Biographical Note
Little is recorded about Phoebe Ann Pollitt. She currently resides in Boone, North Carolina.
Phoebe Ann Pollitt was educated and resides in North Carolina. She attended the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where she received a bachelor of science degree in nursing. She was a member of Sigma Theta Tau, a national nursing honor society. Pollitt holds a master of arts degree in education from Appalachian State University, located in Boone.
Pollitt began her research into the life of Emily C. Prudden some time in 1988 or 1989. During that time she contacted Pfeiffer University (then Pfeiffer College) and a research relationship developed, especially with professor emeritus Dr. Bernard Russell. She was the speaker at the annual Emily Prudden Lectureship hosted by the Association of Women Students in 1994. Pollitt encouraged the state to erect a historical marker in honor of Prudden, and in 1991 a highway marker was erected near Blowing Rock, NC.
Phoebe Pollitt's research into the life and times of Emily Prudden culminated in the completion of her doctoral dissertation, Emily Prudden and Her Schools, which was published in 1994. She holds a Ph.D. in curriculum and instruction from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.
Scope and Content Note
The Phoebe Pollitt Papers consist primarily of items collected by Pollitt while conducting research for her doctoral dissertation. The items concern the educator Emily Prudden and the approximately fifteen school she founded in the Carolinas. The span date of the collection is 1850 to 1995. Most materials are photocopies of the original, except in the case of correspondence, and Pollitt's own research notes and chapter drafts. Original order was not possible to ascertain, as the papers had previously been flood damaged and re-housed. Materials in the Phoebe Pollitt papers have been arranged into functional series or groups. These Papers form a valuable research tool inn the study of not only Emily Prudden, but also the study of the mission school movement in the South, southern Appalachia, and the history of education.
Correspondence is arranged alphabetically by sender. Dates, or date ranges are given when available. There are two small series in the collection. They are legal files and photographs. Unpublished materials are grouped in the Literary series. There are five subseries. Published materials make up the Printed series, and are arranged into ten subseries.
Online Catalog Headings
Phoebe Pollit Papers.
Mary Fisher Floyd Archives.
Pfeiffer University
Mitchell Home School.
Oberlin Home and School.
Prudden, Emily C.
Education--North Carolina.
Organization of Collection
The collection is divided into 5 series.
The Literary Series has 5 subseries. The Printed Series has 10 subseries.
Correspondence, bulk 1989-1991
Legal, 1850-1910
Literary, bulk 1989-1994
Photographs, nd
Printed, 1884-1995
Detailed Description of the Collection
Correspondence, bulk 1989-1991.
29 folders
- Correspondence between Phoebe Pollitt and others, arranged alphabetically by correspondent.
Legal, 1850-1910
3 folders
- Census records, a church contract, and land deeds (photocopies).
Literary, bulk 1989-1994.
5 Subseries
24 folders
- Addresses. Delivered by others, about Emily Prudden.
-Drafts. Drafts of Pollitt's doctoral thesis, arranged alphabetically by school name
-Miscellaneous. Unpublished manuscripts and papers about Emily Prudden and her schools, arranged alphabetically by title.
-Press releases. Fom Pfeiffer College.
- Research notes. Handwritten notes by Pollitt, unarranged, as well as research notes by others arranged by subject.
Photographs, nd.
2 folders
- Photographs taken at the highway marker dedication and miscellaneous photographs.
Printed, 1884-1995.
10 Subseries
118 folders
- Articles. From monographs and serials, arranged alphabetically by title of the article. dates identified when available.
-Books. Arranged alphabetically by title.
- Broadsides. One item, not dated.
-Catalogs. From schools; one catalog is from a Realtor selling land where one of Prudden's schools once stood. Arranged alphabetically by title.
-Clippings. From newspapers, arranged alphabetically by title of article. dates included when available. all clipping photocopied on acid free archival paper.
- Journals. One item, Appalachian Journal
- Minutes. From Woman's Home Missionary society.
- Newsletters. Arranged by title.
- Pamphlets. Arranged alphabetically by title, with dates when identified.
-Reports. From the American Missionary Association, arranged chronologically by report year.
Pfeiffer University
G.A. Pfeiffer Library
PO Box 960
Misenheimer, North Carolina 28109-0960 USA
Phone: 704-463-3361
Processed by
Holly A. Mercer
Date Completed
July 1998, updated 2002 and April 2020
Encoded by
Jonathan C. Hutchinson